Herro Family!
BTW, I have been in Japan for a transfer! It's crazy, it has
been a way fast two weeks. Elder Gallacker and I are still in the same area,
but one of us will probably leave next transfer. But one of the elders
that we live with got transferred. Elder Hamada got transferred to the
Mission Home to be an AP and we are way excited for him. The elder
who came here is Elder Cook and he was the last AP, so basically they switched
places, ha. Elder Cook is on his last transfer and he is a way
cool guy from Ohio. He is super wise and incredibly friendly, but
not trunky in any way which is good. He is a mission legend, just a way
awesome missionary and helps a lot of people.
This past week was awesome for us, we had a lot of
lessons with members and focused on building the ward. This
week we are focusing on finding and sharing little lessons.
Our good friend Bishop Kyodai, the one who took us out to the crazy
expensive sushi, took us out to a yakiniku place for lunch.
He moved up north this past weekend and wanted to say goodbye to us
before he left, haha. Yet again, I won't tell you how much he spent on that
lunch. We had quite a few mogi's(members pretend to be investigators)
lessons and got a lot of potential referrals from people.
This last Friday, we taught a shokai lesson (introduction
about what the church is to English class students) with a Chinese guy.
He spoke a little Japanese and even less English, but it was incredible.
He is what we call a "Chinese Kinjin" which means a Chinese golden
person, a golden investigator. We watched "Finding Happiness" in Chinese
and afterwards he said that recently he has had questions about the purpose of
life and how to find a forgiveness of his sins and how to improve his
life. To which we were like "Yessssss"! We can answer your questions! That's
our Job! He was totally awesome. We taught him the whole first lesson and
emphasized the BOM. We gave him a Chinese copy, read the intro together
and taught him how to read, ponder, and pray about it. He was super genki
and was really grateful and super excited about the BOM. BUT, this
past weekend he moved back to Beijing and said that he won't be able to come
back for a few years. :( This kind of thing happens very often
actually. Chinese people come to Japan for a few weeks for business, they
run in to the missionaries somehow, they get converted to the Gospel, then they
move back. There are probably hundreds of thousands of people that have
read the BOM in China. Japan is the gateway to China and this kind of
dendo has been happening for a long time.
We are meeting with Ryo again this next week for a second
lesson and follow up. Thomas and Audrey are doing fantastic back in
France. We are very close to reactivating a less active member who is an
RM and like 50 years old. Sato San has been pretty flaky this past week,
but we might have another lesson with him soon.
I got in to a 20 minute argument with a drunk guy and talked to a
guy wearing a speedo in the middle of a park. I'm doing a 10 day nato challenge
(google what Nato is), deep cleaned our house yesterday 'cause it was transfer
day, ate a lot of kimochi (Korean kimchi) this past week, and got more things
for the package I'm sending home soon :D
Love you guys and I look forward to hearing what classes are
going to be like for everyone! Also, two things. 1.) Kelsie's address
please send me :) 2.) So a really big thing that Japanese people do is show
off family and friend pictures. I use the album you gave me like twice a
day, haha. Could you send me some fun pictures via email of like me and my
friends and our family doing fun things please :) I have access to a printer
across the street and what not. Anytime during the week would be great
Love you guys so much and think and pray for you everyday!
Elder Crandall
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