Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Monday, February 4th, 2013

Hi Mommy and Family!
Things have been quite a bit warmer here recently.  But the forecast for tomorrow says snow again which is kinda yada. 
Man, things have just been very like peaceful the past few days.  Elder Clark was sick for a little bit then he had the flu for like a day and so we had a little bit of down time.  I caught up in the journal and in the Area Book. However, when we went out working, we found great success.  We found 5 new investigators this week and taught quite a few lessons. 
A few people of note:
Teppei is doing pretty good.  He is in the process of moving right now and he is going to move with his family right next to the church building of the adjacent ward so that's good.  However, he has yet to decide on a new baptismal date and he was feeling like he hadn't received an answer to that prayer yet.  Therefore, we committed to fast with him this past week and try really hard to receive an answer and to have the courage to tell his family that he wants to be baptized.  We haven't been able to follow up with him on it yet.  We will probably do that tomorrow, I think.  But overall, he is still looking good and will get baptized very soon for sure!
We made good friends with a Shrilankin family through eikaiwa (English class) and they invited us over for Shrilankin curry dinner.  They are way funny and are fluent in English and Japanese so we were able to communicate really well with them.  They are Buddhist traditionally, but are like half catholic at the same time.  It's really confusing what they actually believe, but in a nut shell, they believe in God, but don't really understand the whole "pick one religion and go with it" idea that is predominant in religious groups.  We whipped out our BOM's at the end of dinner and asked them, " Hey, have you ever seen this book before?" and they were like, " Noooo! Let me see! Let me seee!".  We explained what it is and then told them that it has a really good story about how it came to be.  They were really excited to hear it.  When we finished going over the Joseph Smith story and about the power and blessings that come from the BOM they all had tears in their eyes and the Mom especially was crying and was deeply touched.  They have been going through some hard times financially and the dad hasn't been able to find a job in a year.  I taught them that the spiritual things in life are connected to the physical things and when we are spiritually strengthened, we are also physically strengthened.  The BOM answers the questions of the soul and gives us spiritual strength.  We taught them how to pray and then had the father pray for help to find a job, help to support his family, and help to be a good father.  My companion told him that he had personally had a spiritual witness that the BOM is true and that the family could have one too.  After he said that, the Father turned to me and asked, "Have you had one too?" And I said, "Yes, I have had one too". Then he was like, " Ohh I believe!". By the mouth of two witnesses it is true. 

The Mother's name is Shilani and she is a crack up.  Super loud and funny and loves to cook.  The Father's name is Adrian and he is very stereotypical Indian looking, haha.  They have a son and I can't remember his name, but he wants to go overseas to college in a year.  He's pretty good at English, but he mostly speaks Japanese.  I told him about BYU Hawaii and his father asked me how much it is per year and when I told him it's only 4,000 per year, he just about died!  He was like, " Zetai iko", You Have to Go!  I had them look it up online and he is seriously considering it, haha.  The family's last name is Muhamalam, haha.  How classic is that, haha.  They make dang good Curry!!  I love Indian food!  I love Rice, haha!
We had a Zone Conference yesterday and President Budge did a lot of powerful training on the Hastening of the Work that is taking place and how to live happy and successful missions.  We study a lot of new material that Elder Nelson has given our mission in preparation for his arrival.  The Lord is truly Hastening His Work!  I can feel it!  Jacob 5:72 talks about how the Lord went into the vineyard and worked with the Servants.  I have truly felt that the whole mission, that He has been before me, behind me, around me, and focusing me the whole time. 
The Lord has two promises that he has yet to fulfill.  The Gathering of the Scattered Israel and the Second Coming.  He has fulfilled every other ancient promise that He has made.  The Gathering is underway.  It began with the coming forth of the BOM (see the Chapter heading of 3 Nephi 21).  But we need to hurry up and finish what was started!  This new call for missionaries was a big call to HURRY UP!  One of the big push right now for the Japanese people is to get off their over worked toots, build up some courage, and give the Missionaries referrals!  President Budge was told from his authorities that one of his new primary focuses is to get the Japanese people to give referrals, hah. They don't do it!  I have gotten two direct referrals from members my whole mission.  All of the other ones were from South Americans or when I more or less tricked them into giving us their friends, haha.  They just don't do it!  It's a cultural thing.  They have boundaries that they don't cross socially or at work.  We were told that Elder Nelson may or may not call the members to repentance on that.  Don't be surprised if he does.  However, all we can do for now is produce results on our own and show our worth to the members.  Taihen. (very)
We found a Chinese investigator who lives right next to the church and he invited himself to church.  Also, we found an old grandpa who likes to talk about anything and so we got him to commit to having a religious discussion with us and we are visiting him tonight, haha.  Interesting fellow for sure. 
I had a ton of my friends get mission calls the last couple of weeks.  Just a shout out to all of them.  I guess everyone who always said that they were going to go on missions actually ended up going on missions and not just getting married.  I am pleasantly surprised. :) Ganbare. (Good luck)
Remember when I only saw 5 pictures of my sisters whole entire wedding? Just sayin... ;)
The Ravens won.  Old news.  President Budge told me, haha. 
I've been in good contact with Spencer Norawong so far on the mission.  He is way up north right now and I bet he is just freezing to death, haha.  He is doing good and is having a good time. 

Thank you for sending me Mitchell's email every week!!!!!!!!  It is way cool to see him on a mission now.  It's what we have dreamed about since I can remember, haha.  He seems so young in my eyes though, haha.  Just a little bean chan in the MTC. 
Transfer calls are this week!  I don't know what is going to happen.  I have only been here two transfers and Elder Clark and I get along pretty good.  But, I kinda get a weird feeling like I've done my part here.  I've done a good job and maybe it's time to go fix a new area or go learn and grow in a new area, kana?  idk.  Elder Clark is down to go open up a new area or stay or whatever.  He is pretty chill and we have been seeing a lot of good success together.  The stake started a 40 day fast and we have seen a ridiculous amount of success from that.  If the stake is in a tight spot as far as missionary work goes, try a 40 day fast, haha. It works if you believe it does. 
Alright, I gots to go!  Love Y'all and hope to hear from ya soon!  Give the ward my love!
Elder Crandall  

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