Sunday, May 27, 2012

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Hirro everybody! 3 weeks down, 8 to go.  Let me just tell you guys a little bit about whats going on.  We are teaching two investigators at the moment, Tanaka and Tsumura Kyodia (Brother), and we teach one of them every day.  Tanaka likes to talk with us and enjoys our message, but he won't pray to know if our message is true.  Tsumura on the other hand is progressing well and will do everything we committ him to do.  It's kinda stessful to have to prepare a lesson every day and to have to learn and teach tons of new vocab every day.  But I'm picking up the language very fast and have been teaching the majority of the lessons with our kyudosha (investigators), although I don't know if the understand anything I say ha.  3 of my good friends from school are here now, I've been able to see them quite a few times.  More come each week, I look foreword to it, but that's not saying much cause I look forward to a lot of stuff.  I'm starting to get to know the Nehon-jin that are here, they are sooooo funny and steriotypical Asian.  They try their hardest to say stuff in English, we try our hardest to say stuff in Japanese, and through all of the butchering of each others language, we can understand one another.  They are terrible at basuke suru( basketball) cause the hoops are like 2 feet higher here than they are in Japan.  Half of them barely come up to my shoulders, but I love them and I have a growing love for the people in Japan.  Things are starting to get pretty routine around here; my body automatically wakes up at 6:20 every morning, I know exactly when I have to be places, I know where everything is, the only new things each day are what we eat and what we learn, but even then we can guess it pretty well.  The days are flying by, but the weeks feel like months.  Sometimes the days feel so long that I don't remember what I did the day before, other times all of the days seem like they are crammed together into one.  I can't wait to get to Tokyo, to do something new, to eat real food and most importantly, to teach real people. Ai Shiteimas Kuzuko to Kyodai to Shimai! Watashi wa sukuinushi iru koto ga to shite imasu. 

I miss you guys, but not that much hehe I am busy enough here that I don't let myself get homesick or anything like that, but I love your guys letters, they always make my day.  Keep Working hard in school and in life! Be mindful of the blessings you receive every day and always be thankful to the Lord.  I LOVE YOU GUYS!           

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