Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Monday, July 15th, 2013

Hi, from Elder Crandall's parents!
So we had a little mix up with his email last week.  We emailed Christopher last Sunday as usual, and apparently he did also.  But we never got an email from him!!  So I sent him a little email last Wednesday just checking on him and making sure that he was okay.  But no reply.  Finally, Craig sent an email to President Wada (his new Mission President) saying we were concerned because we hadn't heard from him that week and that was the first time since he has been out (over 14 months now!).  President Wada sent back an immediate reply (it was 1:35 am Tokyo time) saying that he would call Elder Crandall in the morning and tell him to email us!  Apparently he did just that because we got a forwarded email from Christopher that was written on Monday the 8th!  He sent a reply message to my Wednesday email saying that his Internet connection must have been out when he sent the email and he didn't even notice that it had bounced back to him. :)  He is doing great and no cause for concern from Mom or Dad! ;)  We do feel bad that he was worried that the call from his mission pres. was about his grandpa (Mauri's Dad) who had just had major surgery.  Don't worry, grandpa is on the mend!
By the way, Pres. Wada is very impressed with Elder Crandall, his fluent Japanese, and his hard work ethic.  He plans to give him a challenging and growing assignment in the near future!  We love our missionary boy!  Thanks for reading his emails!
Craig and Mauri

Man, when I got the call from President Wada I was way nervous.  All he said at first was, "Hey, I just got an email from your parents."  Right then I started to get way nervous cause Grandpa was having his surgery and all and one of my past companions got a call that was like that and so I was freaking out.  He then said, "Do you know what this is about", and I said, "No, I have no idea."  He then told me about the email stuff and I took a deep sigh.  I was way sketched out for a little bit.  But it's nice to know that people on the other side of the Internet do care about me and how my week was going and all :)
I was reading Connor's email and all I could think about was how I use to hold him as a little baby in my arms and now he is off exploring Hahobos like I use to do and is almost a Life Scout.  Everyone is growing up around me!!!!!!  In only like 5 more years, the whole house is gonna be empty all the time.  Kelsie better started filling it up with some grandchildren!! (hint hint).  I was way jealous to hear about y'all golfing and what not.  But last week we went bowling and I tore it up!  Bowled a 180!  Ya boi!
Also, just got back from hitting up a bunch of Malls with the Elders in my apartment.  My companion bought 4 Star Wars t shirts for way cheap.  I bought one as well for way cheap.  It's way legit and I'll have to send a picture of it some time. 
Tomorrow is transfer calls!!  It's been a weird and short transfer 'cause of the mission splitting.  I feel safe, but I felt safe last time and I ended up getting moved to a different mission.  So we will see how it goes, I guess.  The Filipina's are doing wonderful.  They came to church on their own and have a ton of friends with the ward and everything.  We are just their teachers, nothing more or less.  It is how it should be for once, haha.  We typically have to pull the weight around at church, but here it is different.  This really is one of the best wards I have been in as far as the dendo fire and relationship goes.  Elder Call and I are doing great, even though it's like 100 degrees every day and I feel like I'm gonna die when I go outside.  But I'm getting pretty tan which is good.  We met a few college aged student and tried to teach them, but they were not interested at all.  Other than the Filipinas, we don't really have any super solid investigators right now.  But that will change!!!  I've been focusing my PMG (Preach My Gospel) study the past week on ch.11, its about commitments.  What it should be called is "How to street, house, tract, and find investigators".  This chapter does more to teach someone how to find than does chapter 9, "How to find".  It;s all about the commitment, they have to do something in order to progress/ repent.  Any act, whether it be a church tour, come to ping pong night, come to church, or hear the lessons is an invitation to repent.  If we as missionaries as doctors of the soul, than the commitment to act is like giving some one the appropriate medicine and saying, "drink this".  It's for their benefit, but it's still up to them as to whether or not they take the medicine. 
I gots to be going, but I love you all and will continue to pray for grandpa for sure!!!
Have a wonderful week!!!

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