Thursday, July 4, 2013

Monday, July 1st, 2013

Opo!!!  Como estapo??  Mabutinamanpo!!! (it's Tagalog, I've been studying it a lot from all of the investigators, haha)
Hey, everybody!  Man, it's been a loooooong week so far.  We haven't been able to do a lot of dendo this last week because we have been turning our tiny apartment into a 4 man apartment and transferring investigators and training the new guy, Elder Kuniyuki. 
But it has been very fun working with Elder Call and Elder Nakamura and Elder Kuniyuki.  

We are the most northern part of the south mission.  Actually, we have to leave the mission when we ride the trains around 'cause the area is so small and so close to the top.  The new mission president's name is President Wada.  We are going to meet him tomorrow at a zone meeting!!!!!  He is Japanese but went on a mission to SLC and speaks English perfectly, thankfully, haha.  He is really young, younger than President Budge, like in his 40's I think.  Our mission is only 4 stakes, instead of the 10 it use to be.  It did not acquire any new places or anything when the mission split.  We are like 1/3 the size of the Tokyo north mission, but all we have in our mission is really urban places, whereas Tokyo north has a lot of countryside and farm land.  We have about 70 missionaries right now.  However, it is going to increase to about 220 by December!  Yikkkes!!!!!
This transfer that we just started is only 3 weeks long because of some weird issues with the MTC and new missionaries and what not.  But, I bet I'll stay here for a little bit longer than 3 weeks, haha.  Although with my track record, you never know!!!!!!
I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo jealoussssssssss of KYLE!!!!!!!!!  Paul McCartney!!!!!!! Are you for real?!!!!!!  But I'm going to ship a package to y'all that contains some b-day stuff for most of you.  Don't get your hopes up, but get excited :)
It was way super cool and awesome to attend the Work of Salvation Broadcast.  I watched it last week live, but we saw it again with the stake last night.  But even cooler than that was to hear about the priesthood keys being executed among my immediate family, mom getting set a part by dad, while Connor was out dendoing with the boys in his quorum!  I do not think that you, mom, are being called to be the 1st councilor in the relief society at this time when dendo is being put on first priority just by chance.  You are being called to a position that will stretch you and give you chances to improve your dendo skills and invite your sisters and their families to come closer to Christ.  I almost feel as though I should be asking you and dad, who now have equal dendo responsibility,  for a weekly dendo report!!!  It's your calling now and vicariously we are working in unity thousands of miles away from each other.  The ward, missionaries, and family units are coming together. 
We have a few lessons planned this next week with some people.  The Filipina's are doing very well and all three came to church on Sunday!!!!!  Marilyn and Marie are progressing towards baptism very well and we will meet with them tomorrow.  However, we have a big need to find some new investigators here, we don't have a lot going for us right now.  All the good investigators got baptized last transfer!!! :/  Now we don't have anyone left.  That's called elevator dendo and it is frowned upon.  We need to always be finding people and keeping our lines in the water for long periods of time so that we catch the most fish!!!
We went to Costco today!!!!!  We spent like 200 bucks total on groceries for 4 of us. That's actually really good if you do the math.  We had our hippie friend Rocky drive us over in his car.  He is like 60 years old and is the biggest old time stonner/wanna be hippie on the planet, but we is way close with the missionaries and will do anything with us.  His parents were filthy rich, but passed away when he was young and he has been living off of their trust funds his whole life.  Never worked a day in his life and is filthy rich and loves the Beatles.  He made us listen to Led Zeplin the whole hour ride to Costco.  I didn't complain tooo much about that though, haha. 
I got to go now but wish me luck this next week!!!  I try to find a bunch of gators with Elder Call and work hard!!!  Please drive safe and tell our family that I say Konnichiha!
Take care and know that I love you :)

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