Monday, July 15, 2013

Monday, July 8th, 2013

おい家族だ!(Hey Family!)
How's everyone doing this week?? It sounds like everyone had some pretty crazy adventures this last week and what not. 
It blows my mind that Kyle and Sho were in the same group while Elder Kuniyuki and I are in the same ward here!!!  (One of the kids at EFY in Kyle's group, Sho, is the younger brother to one of the missionaries living in the same apartment as Christopher!!)  Kuniyuki is the man and he is working really really hard to learn Japanese and become a master teacher.  I am very impressed with him cause he isn't in the easiest situation ever.  He can't really speak to his companion yet and they only have 1 real investigator right now, but he is having a great time, as well as teaching us how to break dance at night after we plan, haha. 
As far as my 4th of July went., we had our English class that night and we tried our best to make it American themed.  We went with Rocky to Costco and what not and bought some pies.  We had a pretty good size group of students come and we were able to teach them how to say America correctly (Amuuurica!) and play some games.  No fireworks....... yet...
But man, let me tell you, the Summer has come and it is blazing hoootttttt!!!!  All of a sudden, two days ago, we woke up one morning and it was like 100 degrees and the humidity is insane!!!!  After I take a shower in the morning, no matter how hard I try, I can never dry off, haha.  It's ridiculous and it makes it really hard to go out finding.  Which, me and my companion are trying to work on cause he still isn't super comfortable with Japanese and so it makes it hard to talk to people on the streets.  We are working on it. 
We have been having trouble with a large centipede infestation in our apartment complex.  It's the darndest thing, but every day we find 4-5 little centipedes crawling around our sink.  They don't harm anything and they aren't poisonous, but they just get in the way of everything and are really creepy, haha.  I never thought that in my life, I would have to fight off an army of centipedes in the middle of Japan.  We've been hosing this place down with some bug killer pretty good, hopefully soon they will lay off us and go bug someone else, hehe. ;)
Things are going great with Marilyn and Marie and also, as of late, Marilyn's 10 year old son, Masaru, has decided to get baptized on the same day as his mom.  We are looking to have 3 people baptized on the 27th of July!  Yaaaaaayyyyy!!!!  This ward has been way awesome and is doing a very good job of fellowshipping these investigators.  We recently had a Japanese recent convert guy and his Mexican fiance member lady friend move into our ward and we are going to meet up with them this week.  Our underground street racer investigator moved to central Tokyo so we won't be meeting with him anymore :( dang it
Elder Nakamura, Elder Kuniyuki's trainer, is in the middle of writing a dear Jane to his girlfriend, hahahah.  I don't know why I think it's so funny, but it is.  I'm supporting him on this one, she isn't a member and she doesn't have any interest in the gospel and he really doesn't want to marry a nonmember, so he needs to cut her loose, right?  We are right behind him, keeping him strong. 
I'm drinking lots of water, praying really hard that we can find some more people to teach so that we are busier than we are now, and really pondering and studying a lot about how to use the scriptures more in my every day dendo.  If you guys have any advice or tips on using the scriptures better, please let me know :)
I have to go now, but I love each and every one of you soooo much!  I will pray for grandpa for sure!!!!  I am so proud of Connor and Kyle going off to the various camps as leaders and being better examples than I was :) They is sooo good!!!
Have a miraculous week and I will talk to you later :)

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